WANTED: Pressure Washer

Posted by on June 17, 2014 .

So, you decided to buy a pressure washer? But how to make the best choice when there are so many different types and models on the market today? We know that finding the best pressure washer might be tricky, so we have made this short guide to help you choose.

Quick How to Choose Pressure Washer Guide

First, there are two basic budget questions you need to ask yourself: “How often do you plan to use the pressure washer?” and “What will you clean?”.

Next, there are some other considerations you need to make:

-    Hot water or cold water
-    Power source: electric, gasoline, diesel or hydraulic
-    Type of use: residential, commercial or heavy-duty
-    Pump type: wobble, axial or camshaft
-    Drive system: direct-drive, gear-drive or belt-drive
-    Fixed or portable
-    Flow (GPM) and pressure (PSI)

Last update: June 17, 2014